
Driven by our passion

Passion is such a powerful driving force and wonderful to observe in people! If you like tasty and healthy food, then you must love the cuisines from around the Mediterranean. Here you will find that sense of enthusiasm and passion in abundance. Ask 3 Italians how to make a good risotto and you will have assembled more than enough material to write a fantastic novel. That is passion, that is enthusiasm! And we love that. We apply the same sense of enthusiasm when selecting our products, searching for the best packaging and most stunning recipes. Our quality can be found in this passion. We like to share that passion through our outstanding products. 

Borreltafel met sandwiches en Paolo ailioli, ColaVita olie, kaas, salami, dipstokjes
Vincenzo Scocco, Pol Pollet, Maarten van den Berg, Arthur de Graaf, René Lapaer


Selected for our market

For our markets we are always on the look-out for beautiful flavours that suit our flavour pallets. Occasionally a pleasant surprise in between to keep surprising, stimulating and innovating. The specific flavours from our region are often on quite a different level than for example Scandinavia or England. In addition, the packaging and even box contents are also very important. With this formula in mind, we visit trade fairs and also of course our permanent production sites. This is how, in cooperation with our partners, we develop beautiful new lines to surprise and inspire. But also of course to meet a specific need. Get inspired by our beautiful brands!