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Cereal products & legumes

Here in the Netherlands we love variety in our diet and as a result, tasty products such as couscous, bulgur and quinoa are becoming increasingly popular. Couscous and bulgur are made of durum wheat and are often prepared as a main course together with vegetables and meat in a nice single-pan dish. They can also be combined well in a healthy salad. Quinoa is strictly not a grain. They are in fact seeds that resemble grains and can also be used in a similar way in the kitchen. Quinoa is ideal for people who want to eat gluten free.

Legumes are still an important part of the meal. They are healthy and nutritious and can be prepared in many ways. In our selection you can find borlotti beans, white beans, kidney beans, chickpeas as well as lentils.

Pastas made from chickpeas, green peas and lentils are becoming more popular. The pastas come in a range of vibrant natural colors, both good taste and structure as well as being very healthy!


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